Trouble shooting JJ

Last secrets and now this secrets I've been getting this message. I only play on my phone, no other devices. And I'll complete the scene finding the last clue then get this. After restarting game I'm not getting credit for the progress and I'm losing blue energy. I got this screen 3 times the last hour. So 27 blue energy wasted. Yesterday it happened several times as well. Last secrets I didn't have wifi and would play at a friend's so it really made me mad as I had limited time to play.

Has anyone had this happen? I messaged wooga so I'll see what they say.

Last secrets and now this secrets I've been getting this message. I only play on my phone, no other devices. And I'll complete the scene finding the last clue then get this. After restarting game I'm not getting credit for the progress and I'm losing blue energy. I got this screen 3 times the last hour. So 27 blue energy wasted. Yesterday it happened several times as well. Last secrets I didn't have wifi and would play at a friend's so it really made me mad as I had limited time to play.

Has anyone had this happen? I messaged wooga so I'll see what they say.
